Open green boxes with plush catterpillar animal liners quickly.

Mel The Camelle


Hello, I am Mel the camelle.  I am the most talented camelle that walks this filthy earth of stupidity.  I am the grand camelle extraordinaire and genius. I have already finished calculating pi but I’m only allowed one measly page of this ridiculous website to post the importance of what I have to say so I won’t post that.  I am the only smart being in the Milky Way so shut up if you think otherwise.  I am the only good thing that has happened to this place except for the beautiful Mellè, my gorgeous girlfriend camelle, but I will talk about her another day.  I am amazing and I can do a cartwheel.  I can even read minds!  I know what you’re thinking…..?!@#$%^&*(){:”*(^%$................You are thinking that I am a pointless bragging showoff (gasp!) and that I am taking up space in this website!  How dare you!  Well, I am done with your silly garbáge!  I haven’t got all day!  I must be going now.  I’m off to the cafè for a cappuccino and then shopping at Wal de Mart and Targèt with Mellè.


Good day.


Ah, well.  Here are the first digits of pi since you asked: 3.14159265.  But don’t you go thinking I’m a generous camelle because I’m not. 

Yes, yes.  That is Mellè and I in a taxi on our trip to the Taj Mahal.  

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